Refined Data / Ops-in-a-Box Release Notes: Version 5.3.1 Patch Release (October 13th, 2020)

Version:  Patch release version 5.3

New Features, Enhancements & Bug Fixes:

Dashboard MenuRR-3852

Surveys and Inspections/Checklist dashboards are now available both from the Main Dashboard menu and the Dashboard Dropdown list from the Property and Building List dashboards.

Dashboard MenuRR-3853

Updates to Surveys Dashboard filters and navigation:

  • From a specific survey, selecting the 3 dot menu >> task status displays the list of all tasks created from that survey

  • Tasks are now clickable and open the task details screen
  • New "Extract" button allows for a detailed extract of the task details in a .csv file

Tasks: Browser ApplicationRR-3846Task assignees cannot add other users/roles. They can neither remove themselves nor other task assignees in the browser application. Administrator/Task creators can add new users/roles. They can remove roles except for roles added from Task types and marked to be preserved.

The option is now available to select and copy multiple Environmental records or Environmental Reports to other properties in the system, including the current property.  


Option is now available to add a "short description" to attachments in Environmental records and reports to better identify the attachment for reference.  


Updates to the Environmental Landing Page:

The following enhancements have been made to the Environmental Landing Page:

  • Alerts and Notifications section provides direct link to any open questionnaires (not yet approved), and any overdue or tasks and tasks due in the next 30 days. These will only display if there are open questionnaires or tasks. 
  • New Environmental Records section lists all record types with a count of existing records.  Clicking the record type will jump to the record list screen.
Report BuilderRR-3838Resolved issue where re-ordering the Display Field columns for a report would not maintain changes when saving.
Mobile ApplicationRR-3673Task assignees can now assign their respective tasks to other roles or users for the same property as well as remove themself, their role and others (with the same role).  The exception is default task assignees configured in Ops-in-a-Box which cannot be removed by the task assignee.
OHSRR-3947Restricted comments should not be added to the PDF Published from Incident Reports.

Resolved issue with images zoomed in to a large scale in the Preview window. 

Insurance RR-3842Resolved issue with task count displays in Recommendations Dashboard.  Task counts are now reflecting the correct number of tasks for 30, 60 and 90 days past due. 
InsuranceRR-3945Resolved error with saving Insurance Claims created from Incident Report records.