Refined Data Application - Release Notes 5.4/5.4.1
ersion: RR 5.4/5.4.1
New Features and Enhancements:
Module | RDS # | Description |
Application | RR-3503 | New security feature that locks accounts after 5 failed attempts to prevent any login attacks. Once the maximum number of attempts has been reached, the account will be locked and an email sent to the account holder, if it is a valid account. The account can then be unlocked manually from the users profile by a system administrator: |
Application | RR-3589 | Update the "Change Password" logic to include the option to unlock an account that may have been locked after too many failed attempts. The link now reads Reset Password / Unlock Account which allows the user to reset their password and/or unlock their account, if needed, through an email verification which will unlock the account if it is locked. |
Application | RR-3596 | Column for Property Manager assignment is now included in the GLA Report and Property Security Extracts. |
Application | RR-4387 | New Property Summary Dashboard shows a summary of key metrics from all enabled modules. Access the dashboard clicking the proprty title from the property list dashboard. |
Application | RR-3399 / RR-3499 | New security configuration allows roles to be configured with administrative controls only for the specified module only. With this setting, specific individuals can administer system settings for the module(s) they are acountable for without having to provide system-wide administrative rights. To configure a role for administrative controls, access the role from Administartion >> Roles. In the bottom section, move the module to the right column and select "Admin" to provide administrative access for that module. For modules where admin permissions are given, the individual can access:
Application | RR-3704 | When selecting the properties filter in Dashboard FIlters page, clicking the property will now add/remove it from the selected properties instead of opening the property page. |
Application | RR-4185 | When merging properties, the default property status has been changed from "Delete" to "Inactive" to avoid accidentally marking merged properties as deleted. |
Environmental | RR-3494 | Environmental record screens now offer enhanced filter option to tailor the display results based on one or more criteria. Selecting the "Filter" icon highlighted above expands the filter options to include the following:
Note: Selecting the "High Risk Filter" check box will apply this filter configuration as criterea for high risk records in the Environmental Summary dashboard and landing page summary. Use the buttons along the bottem to apply, clear and save existing filters to be applied as needed. |
Environmental | RR-4280 | Asessment Dashboard Updates: The Assessment Dashboard has a new option to mark properties as excluded from the assessment for accurate counts of past-due assessments. Click here for documented steps on how to configure the dashboard and mark properties as excluded. |
Environmental | RR-4308 | Screens and selections in the browser version of the Environmental Module have now been translated to accomodate French-speaking Property Management and Operations staff. |
Tasks | RR-4236 | New escalation workflow in tasks to address overdue tasks that need to be escalated The new escalation workflow allows tasks to be escalated to a manager or to an alternate person or role if immediate attention is required. Configuration Steps: An administrator can configure the escalation workflow as follows: For individual user: Access the users profile from the administration menu and select the new "Escalation Workflow" tab Select "Add New Record" for each escalation configuration. Add multiple records for different scenarios as described below: Escalation Type: Escalation Level: Interval Type and Value establishes the time interval before a notification is sent when the escalation workflow is triggered The remaining options allow further configuration for specific types of escalations based on the module, task priority, task frequency, type and defined tags. This allows for multiple workflows to be configured based on this criteria. For Roles The same steps are available for establishing escalation workflows for roles by accesing the role from the administration menu and selecting the "Escalation Workflow" tab in the role details. Escalation Workflow: When a task becomes past due or the instant escalation workflow is triggered, the designated role or person will receive an email advising them that the task is overdue. Clicking the task link will open a task summary page allowing the recipient to manage the task and/or end the escalation workflow. |
Tasks | RR-4305 | Task Summary link: now available in the task notification email which opens a task summary in the browser to include overview of key details and 5 recent comments to facilitate viewing and task updates. Tasks can also be started and completed from this screen for easier management. |
Tasks | RR-3568 | Tasks: Minor updates on the placement of certain fields. While they may not be in the same place, for simplicity and flow they have been set up a little differently. If you don't see what you're looking for email |
Tasks | RR-4267 | New option to follow tasks in order to be notified when new comments are added and to keep track of progress. Users can add themselves as a follower on tasks for properties they have access to and can additionaly include their role in order to ensure anyone with that role for that property is notified. This option is available for both Mobile and Desktop Application |
Tasks | RR-3615 | Option to Assign all and Remove all task from a selection of properties to save time on adding the same task across a portfolio |
Tasks | RR-3955 | Task filters on all tasks screens have been improved to provide the following options:
Tasks | RR-3965 | New dropbox value is available for administrators to define and label their task priority options. From Administration >> System >> Task Priorities |
Tasks | RR-3615 | Option to Assign/Remove tasks from all properties in Task Templates Dashboard - once complete, refresh or leave/return and the task will display. |
Surveys/Checklists | Ability to set a default view for surveys and checklist in the administrative section to either "Classic" or "Wizard" | |
Surveys/Checklists | RR-3962 | New reporting frequency and reporting year fields added to checklists. |
Surveys/Checklists | RR-3693 / RR-3696 | Ability to support multi-lingual aspects of surveys and checklists:
Surveys/Checklists | RR-3611 | When completing the same survey across multiple properties, answers can be copied from one property / building to another when in the browser/desktop* to save time on responding for more than one location. Once copied, the survey can still be motified to provide specific details unique to that property or building. To copy answers, simply select the "copy" icon from the new survey and select the property or building to copy answers from. See the corresponding video below for a quick walkthrough of the steps. *option not yet available when completing surveys in the Mobile application. |
Surveys / Checklists | RR-4208 | New submit option will now appear by default in surveys and checklists once 100% completion has been reached. This replaces the previous "approve" option to facilitate approval and completion steps for surveys and questionnaires. |
OHS | RR-4183 | New option to move incident reports to a different property or building. From the OHS landing page for any property, select the menu >> Incident Reports and select the checkbox beside the report you would like to move. |
OHS | RR-3897 | New logic where is the following Event Types are selected on the Incident entry screen:
The form will require that information also be entered in the Persons Involved section to ensure all relevent details are caprtured for this event type. |
OHS | RR-3794 | New Incident Summary Dashboard to allow a customized view by incident type, date and date range, event type, user etc...with the ability to chart and extract the data. |
OHS | RR-3823 | New Injury Summary Dashboard to show a count of injuries reported in incidents |
OHS | RR-3860 | The following updates have been applied to the Incident Report screen within the Browser Application:
OHS | RR-4280 | OHS Assessments / Inspections Dashboard now available. Same steps as used for Environmental Assessments / Inspections dashboard can now be used to configure the OHS version of the dashboard. |
OHS | RR-4423 | Incident number added to the subject of the notification emails |
Mobile | RR-3786 | The order in which tasks are displayed in the Mobile Application has been updated to show tasks in the following order:
Mobile | New Messaging feature allows in-app messaging between property team members: | |
Mobile | New home screen interface for an improved look and simpler navigation. Includes property image, sections for open tasks, overdue tasks, inspections, surveys and messaging. |
Known Issues and Stability Fixes
Module | RDS # | Description |
Application | RR-1408 | When applying filters to any of the dashboard lists, results will now appear on the current page instead of only on page 1. |
Application | RR-4262 | Bank to dashboard button has now been added to the Task Screen when accessed from the Property List dashboard. |
Environmental | RR-3577 | When adding records at the floor or unit level, the selectied level will maintain on the data entry screen. |
Tasks | RR-3508 | Resolved issue where "General" task task was being added to all tasks even when other tags are selected. |