Connect Recording activity module settings
Access Connect Recording activity module settings from:
Site administration >>>> Plugins >>>> Activity modules >>>> Connect Recording
Table of Contents
Enable Vantage Point related features
When enabling Vantage Point features additional grading methods are made available for playback recordings. Without Vantage Point recordings cannot be graded.
Enable debug logging in Refined Services
This setting may used to enabled debug logging in Refined Services if encountering an issue with learner access to connect services and/or activities from the LMS. If enabling this setting, contact Refined Training for further investigation and disabled the setting once complete.
Allow Icon Display
By enabling Allow Icon Display, you will have the option to select a standard icon or upload a custom icon to be displayed on the course page for Connect Recording activities. Learners can click on the icon to launch the activity.
Display on course page
Enabling this setting will select the Display on course page option by default for all your Connect Recording activities. You can change this setting manually from within each Connect Recording settings page.
When this setting is disabled, a link to will display on the course page to a separate page for the learner to then launch the Connect Recording activity.
Popup window height and width
This settings allow you to designate the default size (in pixels) of the popup window that launches a Connect Recording.
Custom Recording Icon
This option allows you to upload a custom image to be used as the standard icon for all your Connect Recording activities.
Maximum views set on activities
This setting is disabled when left at the default of -1. When changing the number to a "0" or positive value, this value then establishes a limit to the number of times users can access a Connect Recording activity.
Hide Adobe player side bar and play bar
This setting allows you to hide the player side bar and play bar in the recording playback.
Number of Reminders
The default number of Refined Reminder selections available in Connect Recording activities is 3. This setting allows you to increase this number to allow for additional Refined Reminders.
Note: Refined Reminders will only become available if scheduling a recording playback from within the Connect Recording activity.