Connect Quiz and Slideshow activities allow Adobe Presenter or Captivate quizzes as well as slideshow presentations to be stored in Adobe Connect and added to courses as gradable activities. Design dynamic and professional presentations and quizzes using audio, video and other creative elements available in the corresponding software.
Adding a Connect Quiz or Slideshow
First, publish the Presenter, Captivate or slideshow presentation to the Connect Content library (you need to be part of the Adobe Connect Author or Meeting Host group on your Adobe instance to do this).
Once the presentation has been published or uploaded, turn editing on inside the course, open the Add an activity or resource and scroll down to Connect Activities. Select Connect Slideshow or Connect Quiz
Enter the Adobe Connect custom URL or select Browse (next to the URL field) to locate the file from your Adobe Connect content folder. Once the URL field is populated, the LMS will validate the information against Adobe Connect.
Iconic Display
The next step is creating the Iconic display directly from the Quiz or Slideshow set-up screen. Simply select the iconic display configurations from the drop down menus or the check boxes. If using the Standard Icons select the size to appear, then the position, along with any suppression options and creating extra HTML, which will appear below the icon.
You also have the option to add a customized icon. Select Custom from the Standard Icon drop down and the upload field will be enabled. Then choose or upload a file via the File Picker.
If you would like to choose a custom icon to be used for your Connect Quiz or Slideshow activities throughout the site, you can set a site-wide custom icon from Site administration >>>> Plugins >>>> Activity modules: select Connect Quiz or Connect Slideshow to set a custom icon for either activity.
Connect Quiz Grading
The Connect Quiz activity offers two grading options:
- Simple Grading: launching the activity = 100%.
- Adobe Grading: pulls the grade from Adobe Connect and calculates a grade percentage when thresholds are selected. If no thresholds are selected the grade from Adobe is stored as the grade.
The grade will appear in the Grader Report and can be used to Restrict Access to another activity.
Connect Slideshow Grading
The Connect Slideshow activity offers two grading options:
- Simple Grading: launching the activity = 100%.
- Adobe Grading: pulls the number of slides viewed from Adobe Connect and calculates a grade percentage when thresholds are selected. If no thresholds are selected the number of slides viewed is stored as the grade.
Note: Connect Slideshow grading is not immediate. It is advised to notify learners of the potential delay or user the Simple grading option.
Connect Quiz or Slideshow Session grading:
Session grading provides additional settings to establish when and how often the system should check for a grade from Adobe Connect:
Expected duration of activity establishes the expected time that it will take for a learner to complete the Connect Quiz. Based on this, the system will begin to check for a grade in Adobe Connect once the designated time has passed.
Number of times to check grading will determine the number of times the system will check for a grade after the initial duration has passed.
Delay between rechecks sets the interval for the system to recheck grades in minutes.