Course Completion Assignment


Course Completion Assignment

The Course Assignment Tool allows administrators to grant a user completion status from any course on their LMS and, if required, remove completion status. When a user may have done successful work or in the wrong course session, he or she can be given completion credit rather than having to retake the course. This status allows the user to enroll in any subsequent courses having the previous course as a Prerequisite. Within the user’s profile, an administrator can select a course to make complete or not complete for that user.


Assigning a Course as Complete

Go to Site Administration>>> Users>>> Accounts>>> Browse list of users. Filter for the user and click on their name to navigate to their profile.

From inside their profile, scroll down to the Settings block and click on Course completion:

The Course completion assignments page will appear with the user’s name and a list of all the courses on the site below it.

The courses shown as No under Has Criteriahave no course Completion criteria set in the course. The courses with a Yes in that column do.

Checks appear in the check box under the Complete column for the courses that the user has already completed or next to courses that have previously been assigned as complete.

Scroll down to the course for which you wish to give the user completion status. Enable the check box in the Complete column on the same line as the course to mark complete for that user:

When the user views his My Certificates list, he will see the certificate for the course in the list:

The user will now be able to enroll into any course requiring the selected course as a Prerequisite.

Using Completed Courses as Prerequisites

Prerequisites are set in the course Administration>>> Course administration>>> Course Completion:

On the page that appears, courses available to be used as prerequisites appear in the Courses available box. Click one or more to use as Prerequisites and note whether Any of the available course is satisfactory as a Prerequisite or All of the courses must be completed as Prerequisites:

Note that, if a course does not have Completion criteria set, it cannot be used as a Prerequisitefor another course. One or more Activities in the course must have Activity completion criteria set before course Completion criteria can be set:

Flexible Certificates/Completion Report

To see additional information about completion status of a user’s courses, run the FlexibleCertificate/Completion Report. Go to Site Administration>>> Reports>>> Flexible Certificates/Completion:

You can filter for one user or many by clicking on Show advanced and selecting the parameters you need. Click on Add filter. Then you can select for one course or all courses. Be sure to enable the tick box Course Completion. Finally set any date parameters:

Click on Display or Download (recommended if filtering for many users). The report provides completion information:

The Date Achieved is either the date the user completed the course or the date Course Completion was assigned.

Un-assigning Courses

If a course has incorrectly been assigned as complete, the administration can un-assign the course.

To do so, the administrator follows the same process as in assigning a course as complete. Go to the user’s profile and click on Course Completion.

On the Course Completion Assignments page, scroll down to find the course that needs to be changed (the default is to display ten courses at a time; you may enable more to display in order to facilitate finding the course).

Find the check box under the Complete column and click on it to remove the check mark:


When the user views his My Certificate list, the course and certificate are no longer in the list:

The certificate does not appear as EXPIRED, it simply disappears from the list.

Similarly, in the Flexible Certificate/Completion Report, the user will not be filtered for when Completed is enabled. The record has disappeared.