Creating Hosts and Presenters in Adobe Connect from the LMS


Refined Data Solutions has integrated the Adobe Connect host and presenter roles with corresponding course roles on the Refined Training platform. This allows meetings to be created or added on the Refined Training platform where the user, with appropriate permission, will be given host or presenter rights automatically within the meeting room, so long as a named meeting host is present.


Whenever a user is given a role that contains the Connect Host or Connect Presenter capabilities at the context of the course, the system will add those users to all meetings in that course with the applicable permission level and remove them as necessary.


This expedites and simplifies the management of adding hosts and presenters to Adobe Connect meetings.



The integration functionality requires that the host or presenter permissions are assigned at the course context level, which allows permissions to be assigned at the course level.


The host permissions allow a user to act as a host within an Adobe Connect meeting room. Hosts can set up the meeting, add content to the library, share content, and add or edit layouts in a meeting room. Learn more here. Host permissions are assigned to Teacher role by default on the Refined Training platform.



The presenter permissions allow a user to share content already loaded into the meeting room from the library and share content from their computer. Learn more here. Presenter permissions are assigned to Non-editing Teacher role by default on the Refined Training platform.


To give a role course context, navigate to site administration >>>> users >>>> permissions >>>> define roles >>>> select the gear icon next to the role >>>> context types >>>> check course.


Assigning Permissions

To grant users with the host or presenter rights in Adobe Connect they need to be enrolled in the selected course with the role that contains the appropriate permission. By default the system is set up to grant non-editing teachers the presenter role in Adobe Connect and editing teachers the host role in Adobe Connect.

Enroll or select a user and ensure their course role is set to appropriate role. In this example we’ll use non-editing teacher. The selected user will be assigned the presenter permissions in all the meeting rooms that are available within that course. Learn more here (see 'Connect Host and Connect Presenter Roles').


To remove the permissions, unenroll or remove the role from the user at the course level and their host or presenter permissions will no longer apply in Adobe Connect.

Additionally, for the host and/or presenter to have the host and/or presenter permissions in Adobe Connect, a Licensed Named Meeting Host must be present in the meeting room.