My Reports
The MyReports block appears to users who have access and permission to view designated reports. Any reports in the MyReports block appear on the MyReports page. Reports on the My Reports page are updated when the user clicks view to view the report. At that time, the report gets updated with the most recent information.
Site and limited administrators can also set permissions to schedule reports. The permission to schedule reports can be made available to other roles if required. The updated and scheduled report is sent to the user as an attachment to an email. Reports on the My Reports page do not update when the scheduled report is sent out.
MyReports block
The My Reports block appears and populates with reports accessible to users who have permissions to view reports.
To add the My Reports block, select Blocks editing on.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and in the Add A Block block, select report manager from the drop down menu.
The my reports block appears for limited and site administrators and to users with permissions to view selected reports. The reports that a user has been given access to will appear inside the block.
The block will appear on the front page and can be configured by selecting the gear icon.
Configuring a report manage block includes where the block appears and how it appears on the page. This is done by:
- determining the block location (context)
- the page type that displays the block (can be either the current admin page or any site admin pages)
- determining the region the block displays (this is different for different themes)
- and determining the weight (priority) of the block
The visibility, region, and weight can also be set for how the block appears on a page.
Select Hide the report manager block to minimize/hide the block.
Assign roles in report manager block assigns a role to a user in context. (i.e. granting them permissions contained in that role for the current context and all lower contexts. For example, a user assigned the role of student in a course will also have the role of student for all activities and blocks within the course). See more about assigning block roles here.
MyReports page
The My reports page is accessed by searching in the breadcrumb trail for the My reports page. The My Reports page is also accessible at (
The MyReports page is where to schedule reports at Scheduled reports.
To schedule a report, select the report to be scheduled from the drop down menu and click Add scheduled report. Select the data and export format, and the frequency. The frequency can occur daily, weekly, or monthly and select save. The report will be emailed to the user who scheduled the report and will be sent according to the user’s timezone. Users cannot schedule reports for other users, but an administrator can use the ‘log in as’ feature to view reports as another user or schedule reports for that user if they have the required permissions to receive the scheduled report.
The scheduled reports will appear on the My Reports page listed under Scheduled Reports.
Select the gear icon to edit the scheduled report, or the “x” icon to remove the report from the schedule.
Any scheduled reports that are too large to export and attach to the email (reports that are approximately over 1000 records), are sent to the user as a link. The user is notified that, “The [[REPORT]] in [[EXPORTED]] format is too big to be attached and can be viewed online at: [[URL of the REPORT]].”
Scheduled reports
The permission to schedule reports is assigned to site administrators and limited administrators by default. The permission to schedule reports can be made available to other roles if required. The updated and scheduled report is sent to the user as an attachment to an email. Reports on the My Reports page do not update when the scheduled report is sent out. Reports on the My Reports page are updated when the user clicks view to view the report. At that time, the report gets updated with the most recent information.
Scheduled reports can be automatically emailed to the user monthly, weekly, or daily. If the report is scheduled monthly, it can be set to send any numerical day of the month. If the report is scheduled weekly, it can be set to any day of the week. If the report is scheduled daily, it can be set to any time of the day.
To set the time during the day at which a monthly or weekly report is sent, select daily and the time from the drop down menu.
Switch to monthly or weekly to select a day and the report will be sent out at the time specified on the day specified. Unless a time is selected before selecting day or day of the month, the time will default to 00:00.
RT TIP - When emailing scheduled reports, set the delivery time for off hours. This is a best practice to ensure system performance is not interrupted or impacted by the building of the report. For example, schedule a report to send at 4:00 a.m. so that the report builds during a time when the system is not impacted by a large amount of use.
Warning: The ability to schedule reports has intentionally been limited to very few users in the LMS system. This is because scheduling reports can cause performance issues which can propagate across other sites. We strongly recommend that scheduling reports remains limited to the site administrator and limited administrator roles. If you wish to extend this privilege, please contact for help in determining the best set up/structure.
To help offset any negative impacts from using scheduled reports, a slave database is added to the Refined Training platform. The slave database is used for load sharing purposes to help retrieve data for reports. The work the slave database is performing does not impact the end user experience on the platform and is a replica of the production database. All report building is being done on this separate slave database, which is synced in real time to the master database of the site.