Refined Services Error Codes


Refined Services Error Codes


Refined Services provides an integration service to manage the connection between the LMS platform and Adobe Connect. This service provides added security, flexibility, and simplifies the process for updates and maintenance by keeping all data centralized. Refined Services creates one administrative account named Moodle Admin to support the integration. This account is only accessible within Adobe Connect and should never be edited or removed. Refined Services stores all the credential information and the password in encrypted.

The way the integration works is the LMS logs into Adobe Connect with the Moodle Adminaccount. This Moodle Admin account is not associated with any user inside the LMS. When the LMS makes calls to Adobe Connect, the LMS uses the Moodle Admin credentials stored by Refined Services.

Refined Services is used to update users, courses, and activity information. If using Adobe Connect to import users to the LMS, please contact support@refineddata.com with assistance in syncing the accounts between the two systems.



Error codes

When an error in the Refined Services connection occurs, an error code or codes will appear indicating the nature of the issue.

When there is an error with Adobe Connect or Refined Services, a page will display:

Page temporarily unavailable. If issue persists please contact support@refineddata.com

Error code:

{error code}

Please try again in a few minutes.

[Return to course]

For end users the page will redirect to the course page after 30 seconds or when the user clicks return to course (whichever comes first). For administrators the page will redirect to the Refined Services login page.

The admin login page will direct to a page where the site administrator needs to enter their own Adobe Connect credentials:

Please enter your Adobe Connect credentials to reset your password in Refined Services. If you need assistance please contact: support@refineddata.com

Below is a listing of all possible error codes, what they mean, and if the item will resolve on its own or needs attention from Refined Data Solutions. All error codes needing attention are automatically sent to Refined Data Solutions for further investigation and are updated every five minutes. Errors are logged on Refined Services regardless of debugging being turned on or off and includes:

  1. Error code
  2. User name
  3. Moodle ID
  4. Site URL

Even though this information is recorded by Refined Services, it is a best practice for the client to notify Refined Data Solutions of any errors by contacting us at support@refineddata.com.


Adobe Connect error codes




Possible cause


Redirect Adobe Connect credentials page


Incorrect user credentials in Adobe Connect

Username or password does not match credentials in Refined Services

Use the form at {site URL}/local/refinedservices/change_to_created_by_rs.php and insert the users Moodle ID to update them in Refined Services.

Entering the admin’s Adobe Connect credentials will resolve the discrepancy in the username/password in Refined Services


Incorrect admin credentials

Admin credentials in the LMS are incorrect

Please contact support@refineddata.com and provide the credentials (username/password) used for attempted logins.

The admin can still access Adobe Connect with their own account but will not receive the Adobe Connect credentials page.


No user in Adobe Connect

Account does not exist in Adobe Connect

This will usually resolve itself when the user attempts to access Adobe Connect content.  If issue persists, please contact support@refineddata.com

This code may also sometimes display as AC001 as both are applicable in certain scenarios because Refined Services will try to connect to Adobe Connect regardless of if there is a record of the user or not.

If an admin account does not exist in Adobe Connect, inputting the admin’s credentials on the credentials page will resolve the error and create a new account in Adobe Connect.


No response from Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect host credentials are incorrect

Please contact support@refineddata.com and provide the host credentials (username/password) for the attempted logins.

The admin will receive the message: "Error code: AC004

Please try again in a few minutes." This message displays both on the page itself (where the Adobe Connect content previously existed) and when an admin attempts to access Adobe Connect from the LMS.


General unknown error

General error that is none of the above

These general errors will require further investigation and troubleshooting by Refined Data Solutions.



Refined Services error codes




Possible cause


Redirect Adobe Connect credentials page


Refined Services account not created

The Refined Services account was not created when setting up the LMS during initial installation

If receiving this error, please contact support@refineddata.com and our development team will make the correction.

If this error occurs, it will  behave in the same way as AC004.


Incorrect Refined Services credentials

Credentials for user are incorrect in Refined Services

Please contact support@refineddata.com and our development team will verify / update credentials.

The Admin will see the Adobe Connect credentials page and entering the credentials will resolve the issue.


Refined Services account expired

The Refined Services account has expired for the LMS.  Not applicable for hosted clients.

Please contact support@refineddata.com for Refined Services account renewal.

The Admin will see the page with the error code, not the Adobe Connect credentials page.


No response from Refined Services or a general Refined Services error has occurred. 

The Refined Services host in the LMS is incorrect.

Refresh the page. If this doesn't resolve this issue, please contact support@refineddata.com and our development team will make the correction.

This error will display on the page where the Adobe Connect content previously existed, but will not display the credentials page.


Incorrect parameters passed for this call to Refined Services

This is an error in the code that is passing the data.

Please contact support@refineddata.com and our development team will make the correction.

Error will display on page


No user in Refined Services

The user was not created or was deleted in Refined Services

This can resolve itself before it becomes an error as Refined Services will create a user if they don’t exist. However, if the issue persists, please contact support@refineddata.com and our development team will make the correction.

For admins, if the error doesn't resolve itself automatically, the credentials page will resolve it.


No meeting in Refined Services

The Adobe Connect  meeting was not created or was deleted in Refined Services

If creating a new meeting, the admin can delete and re-create the meeting in an attempt to resolve the issue. Otherwise, please contact support@refineddata.com.

For Admins the error will display on page in place of the meeting icon. Credentials page won't display.

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