- Obtain and connect the hardware you’ll need for the meeting: headset with microphone, supported webcam, phone (avoid the use of speaker phone).
Wireless headsets and connecting through a USB hub are not recommended. - In a corporate environment, contact the IT department before you host or attend your session. Have them allow port 1935 communication for Adobe. (You may need to speak with Tier 2 or Tier 3 IT support for this.) Ensure *.refineddata.com and *.adobeconnect.com are whitelisted. See the Vantage Point technical information.
- Ensure you have sufficient memory to efficiently run both Adobe Connect and an active Vantage Point Console, the recommended minimum is 8 GB.
- Install the most up to date version of your browser and ensure it is correctly configured to allow Flash for Adobe Connect through the browser’s advanced settings. Click here for more information.
- Use this link to test your system for Adobe compatibility: admin.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm
This link will also install the correct version of the Adobe Connect app.
- Run a pre-session test meeting without participants in which you configure the meeting room and Vantage Point settings.
- Configure your meeting room, upload your content and fully test all pods, settings and layouts before the meeting.
- In the Adobe Connect Meeting menu, select Preferences and set Video Quality to standard in the “Video” tab and Screen Share Quality to medium in the “Screen Share” tab.
- Have a backup plan. Make sure a backup audio system is in pace. If you’re hosting an important meeting, create a backup room before you begin. If you notice things slowing down (e.g., the chat and note pods), attendees being dropped and unable to log back in and latency in Adobe VOIP and video, your meeting room may have been “corrupted.” Switch to your backup room.
Send meeting invitations to participants with system requirements and the system diagnostic link prior to meeting. In the meeting invitation to participants include a meeting link with “?proto=true” appended: https://yourdomain.adobeconnect.com/roomURL?proto=true This forces a meeting room or recording to open in the Adobe Connect app.