C-2-E Marketo
Refined Data Solutions provides a connector product/code to work seamlessly between Adobe Connect and Marketo to provide access to a client’s Adobe Connect webinars. This is done through the system’s ability to make API calls with Marketo, which returns user information. Users are directed to the appropriate meeting room URL and never view the landing page. To do this Marketo credentials are required.
URL: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/mkto/launch/ROOM/MARKETING_LIST/USER_EMAIL (Full path)
URL: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/ROOM/MARKETING_LIST/USER_EMAIL (Short path; can only be used if SAML is disabled)
There are four system players:
CLIENT: creates webinars
MARKETO: a marketing company that the CLIENT works with to create marketing pieces to promote the CLIENT’s webinar offerings. Marketo handles the reminder messages, provides a link to enter the webinar, creates landing pages for participants to register, and stores all the CLIENT’s data.
ADOBE CONNECT: communicates with MARKETO via a REFINED DATA ‘connector product/code’ to allow a user access to the webinar without having to sign in to Adobe Connect.
REFINED DATA SOLUTIONS: creator of the ‘connector product/code’ that allows the CLIENT’s generated link to automatically sign users into Adobe Connect.
The following are the steps taken by the CLIENT, MARKETO, ADOBE CONNECT, and REFINED DATA SOLUTIONS allowing registrants to participate in a CLIENT event without the hassle of having to sign into an Adobe Connect room.
- The CLIENT creates the webinar in Adobe Connect including: webinar name, custom URL, and start time, which is the base for the link that is used within the MARKETO marketing piece.
- The CLIENT creates the marketing for webinars within MARKETO who stores the information from the custom landing page form. A registrant is given access to the custom landing page, can enter their information in the form and click Register Now. The registrant receives a popup message thanking and confirming the registration.
RT TIP - MARKETO creates the registration landing pages, forms, and back-end tables that store all registrants’ contact info. The Refined Event Connector is based on capturing the registrant’s first name, last name, and email address. The registrant’s information is saved, and they are added to the MARKETO registrant list.
- The CLIENT adds the Refined Event Connector link to the MARKETO marketing piece that is emailed to all registrants. The Refined Event Connector link is the direct link into the webinar room. The URL must appear as: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/ical/customURL/marketinglist/{{lead.emailaddress}} (where “/ical” adds the event to the registrant’s calendar).
RT Tip - Commonly for webinars there are three direct emails (marketing pieces) that are sent out through the third party marketing company, Marketo. These marketing pieces contain a direct link that is only active for the specified number of seconds prior to the scheduled start time of the event. The direct link provides an instant authentication to the Adobe Connect webinar room. Any other parameters will result in the registrant not being able to get into the room. Example:Registrant clicks on link 1 hour before or a day before, they would receive an “Oops” message, indicating he/she must check the date or time of the event.
This link can have a timeframe associated with it in the database defining when a user can enter the meeting room either before or after the meeting start time in Adobe Connect. This time is set in seconds by Refined Data Solutions. The below table provides examples of time in seconds.
Database setting | Description |
allow_before_sec =900 | this setting activates the Refined Event Connector link 900 seconds before the meeting start time in Adobe Connect |
start_offset_sec=1800 | this setting keeps the Refined Event Connector link active for 1800 seconds after the meeting start time in Adobe Connect |
An additional setting in the database called check time setting checks the time of the Adobe Connect meeting and blocks access when appropriate. This setting must be turned on for the above settings to work. If ‘check time setting’ is not on, then the Refined Event Connector link lets participants use the link at any time.
In the example provided in the table, the registrant must use the link at exactly 15 minutes (900 seconds) or less before the event to login directly to the webinar room as an authenticated user, or 30 minutes (1800 seconds) or earlier after the meeting has begun to login directly to the webinar room as an authenticated user.
- There are typically 3 event messages that get emailed once the user registers.
- A registration confirmation: sent immediately after registration and includes an “add to Outlook” option by using the link below: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/ical/customURLfromAC/marketomarketinglist/{{lead.emailaddress}} Then provide the registrant with the link to the Adobe Connect meeting room: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/customURLfromAC/marketomarketinglist/{{lead.emailaddress}}
- A notification twenty-four hours before the event: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/customURLfromAC/marketomarketinglist/{{lead.emailaddress}}
- A notification thirty minutes before the event: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/customURLfromAC/marketomarketinglist/{{lead.emailaddress}}
RT TIP - if a registrant tries to access the link before the designated time period, one of several parameters will appear in the URL:
URL parameter | Description |
wrong-parameters | the URL is not formatted correctly |
no-event | the URL could not be found on Adobe Connect |
wrong-time | not within the designated number of minutes of the scheduled start time or the designated number of minutes after the end of the event |
no-marketo-user | could not find the registrant’s email address in Marketo |
couldn't-create-user | system failed to create user on Adobe Connect. This means that first name, last name, or email address is missing for the user. |
no-list | the list provided doesn’t exist in Marketo |
could-not-login | system couldn’t log into Adobe Connect (i.e a changed password or email address for an existing account) |
- From a designated number of minutes to zero minutes before the event start time, the registrant clicks the link and is launched directly to the meeting room.
- At the conclusion of the event, the registrants are sent a “thank you” message for those who attended, and a “sorry we missed you” message for those registered, but who did not attend.
Test URLs
To test the meeting room link, notify the system by entering the following URL in your browser:
This will open the system and allow anyone with a link to log in to the meeting room with their URL. Once testing is complete be sure to deactivate the testing feature using this link:
For access to Adobe Connect reports select the Reports tab in the menu bar or view reports per webinar from within the meeting room.
For access on reports for each event alter the original link by updating the last parameter to specify the desired report.
The ‘report all’ link will provide a downloadable excel spreadsheet containing a listing of those who attended the webinar.
Or use: http://CLIENT.events.refineddata.com/customURLfromAC/marketomarketinglist/getlog
The ‘get log’ link will provide a listing of all people who accessed the webinar and is helpful to determine why a user may have had difficulties accessing the meeting room. Use to URL parameter table to determine any difficulties.
RT TIP - If anyone removes or renames either the meeting room URL or the list, the report will stop working.