Refined Tools


Refined Tools

The Front Page Refined Tools block provides quick and easy access to several Refined Training tools: Launch Adobe Connect, Browse Reminders, Managers/Location, Add/Edit Tokens, Role Alerts and Refined Support Center:

 On the course page the Refined Tools block also allow access to the tools Tutors (Tutor Sessions)Workbook and Dashboard if they are enabled on your site:

In both cases, these blocks are added by turning Editing on and then accessing the drop-down menu in Add a Block:

The Refined Tools block can be edited to determine whether it will display on the left or right side of the page and how far up or down they are placed among the other blocks displaying on the page, including the Navigation blocks.

By default, only Site Administrators can see the Refined Tools block or access the links.

Permission for Teachers to See Refined Tools Block

At times it may be necessary to allow users with the Teacher role (editing teacher) to see the block and access, for example, the Reminders list. To set this up you must enable the capabilities Update Course Settings and View Course for the Teacher role.  To do this, go to Administration>>> Site administration>>> Users>>> Permissions>>> Define Roles:

In the list of roles, click on the edit icon to the right of the Teacher (editingteacher) role. On the edit page, scroll down to find the two capabilities Update course settings and View courses without participation and click the Allow box to enable the capability for the Teacher role:

Click on Save changes.

Note: Any user with the Teacher role will be able to see and access the Refined Tools block and all the tools inside the block.  In other words, the block cannot be limited so that Teachers view and access only one of the tools in the block.  Teachers will see not only Reminders but also Managers & Locations, Tokens, etc.

Refined Tools block appearing on a course page

By default, the Refined Tools block will also appear on a course page when a new course is created, along with the Admin Bookmarks block. To manage the blocks that appear on the course page, navigate to Site administration >>>> Plugins >>>> Local plugins >>>> Refined settings.

The default blocks to appear on a new course page are set to admin_bookmarks, refinedtools.