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Version: RR 5.4.2

New Features and Enhancements:

Application - DashboardsRR-4524

New Portfolio Summary Dashboard provides a summarized view on portfolio performance accross modules.  Selecting any section will open the corresponding Dashboard or Records list.   

Application - DashboardsRR-4540

Property Summary Dashboard now includes Inspections section.  Clicking this will open the Inspections list for that property. 

"Information" icon also available to view Property Details for those with permissions:

Application - DashboardsRR-4544

Improved Inspections Dashboard 

Adhoc Inspections (without a frequency) will display a list of active, completed and approved/submitted inspections and the total number of tasks. 

Scheduled Inspections that have a recurrance and expected interval display the list of properties expected t complete the inspection and cycle periods based on the frequency.  

  • A green dot is displayed for inspections completed within the expected interval and red if no inspection completed as expected.   
  • An orange dot indicates an inspection was started but not completed.
  • Clicking either of the dots opens the inspection list screen for that property/building 
  • Clicking the task count opens the task list for that inspection/property/building
Application - DashboardsRR-4547

New Dashboard Filter interface makes it easy to filter data across system dashboards.  

Various filters are available including:

  • Owners 
  • Asset Type
  • Region
  • Use Portfolio
  • Status 

Selecting any of these sections applies the filter to other dashboards in the system allowing you to view each dashboard with the applied filters.

Note:  Remember to return to the Dashboard Filter screen and "Clear Filter"  when complete as a best practice!

Application - DashboardsRR-4563New Assessment Schedule Dashboard
Administration RR-4532

The System Security Settings list can now be filtered by Module and User / Role to filter the list accordingly.   


Roles can now be configured with additional attributes to allow task assignments to roles, default user and role task assignees, default tags when creating ad-hoc tasks and for roles with Admin rights, the option to enable/disable the capability to impersonate other uses is available.

ApplicationRR-4591Browser back button is now able to return users to the previous page
Surveys/ChecklistsRR-4577New column for "Approved" date now added to inspection list screens at the property level to obtain the date it was submitted/approved.

Ability to add a list of "Property Exclusions" to checklists indicating any properties that should not have access to the checklist.  This list will be excluded from all corresponding dashboards. 

From the checklist, select the "More" button >> Property Exclusions.

Surveys/ChecklistsRR-4316Updates to the Survey Interface in the browser application:  The option to switch between "Classic" and "Wizard" mode is now beside the Survey dropdown list and some font, header and text formatting changes have been changed to improve the overall design and navigation. 

Event types for the OHS Incident Report form are now configurable by an OHS Administrator from the Administration >> OHS >> Incident Event Types option:

  • Click "ADD" to add a new event type
  • Click an event type to indicate if Injury Details or Property Damage details are required when this option is selected to ensure corresponding details are provided when reporting the incident.

Injury Details Required: Selecting this will require the person entering the incident to add a record of the person(s) involved and injury details.

Emergency Response Notification:

When the "Emergency Response" checkbox is selected, the option add a notification / alert will display:

Select the "Add Emergency Response Notification" button to set an alert and recipient list for all incidents that meet this criteria to ensure these events get managed in a timely manner and the correct parties are immediately notified:

Insurance / Risk ManagementRR-4581

New options available for Insurance Claims:

  1. Ability to create tasks for Insurance Claims from the claim record:

2. Ability to jump between an Insurance Claim and the corresponding Incident Report using the arrows indicated:

From Insurance Claim:

From Incident Report / Insurance Tab:


Environmental RR-4616

New option to filter Environmental Reports by Report Type on property level list screen:

Known Issues and Stability Fixes

ApplicationRR-4394Resolved issue with back button on tasks returning to incorrect dashboards.
TasksRR-4614Fixed extract from "My Tasks" dashboard to reflect the list displayed to the user.  
Surveys/ChecklistRR-4631Fixed issue with Task Templates / Types not being included in Survey/Checklist import.

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