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Download Vantage Point - ADD VIDEO ON HOW TO INSTALL

RDS: adding a new client

  1. Create account

  2. Meeting - add domain / need default message (currently copying from a previous account)

  3. Default expiry date should be based on trial / should be changed to “renewal” and unless they cancel they renew. Should get paid by automated.

  4. Audio provider Enable audio provider / Create Audio Provider / Add Admin Account / Admin Password (clarify this for new users) Message: rPhone Audio Provider ALREADY exists” and grey out “create Audio Provide test.

  5. Need a ZIPDX account. Need to capture enough at registration to create a ZipDX account. Currently we don’t have that. Currently go to ZipDx and create new ZipDx account, then have users send welcome message to complete the profile setup.

  6. Back to Accounts and copy the permission message in Camera Settings.

Inside Meeting Room:

  1. Install and add to a layout then decide where you will put it

  2. Go into new layout and add in manually to each one you are using

  3. Click 3 dots, force presenter view / Hide title bar

  4. Breakouts: Attendee / Breakout ROom view/ Start - 3 breakouts it replicates the pods to all threww breakouts (duplicates contents) Best to start breakouts without VP

  5. Attendee on every layout. Even in Presenter Only area.

rPhone Meeting Setup:

Audio conference settings - select profile, select MIC access, uncheck provide dial in details / dial out / show audio conference dialog (to allow Audio Wizard) and uncheck start audio conference automatically


Vantage Point Meeting Config:



  • High quality


  • Have to pick a host in the meeting to designate as the “synch host” who executes all the commands on behalf of VP -

  • Synch host - will control the attendee pod like a virtual robot. Can be a real person.

  • Until Adobe Gives ability to do programatically

VP Console:

  • Ensure conference started from VP console and not the Adobe Connect meeting settings this will recognize the profile and authenticate with ZipDx
