C-2-E Landing Page


C-2-E Landing Page


The Connect-2-Everything landing page by Refined Data allows Adobe Connect account holders to present a registration form for access to meeting rooms as a landing page. The user fills in the form on the landing page and selects enter meeting. The system will check to see if the user exists, and if not, create an account. If the user does exist, their account is updated (if required by the client). The user is added to the permissions of the meeting room and can enter the meeting.


The system also checks the meeting time. If the meeting start time is within 15 minutes of the user’s request to enter the meeting room, the user is launched directly into the meeting room. If the meeting time is not scheduled to start within 15 minutes of the user’s request to enter, the user is directed to the Adobe Connect waiting room page.


Custom landing page URL

The custom landing page URL is structured as http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/lp/InsertCustomURLfromAdobeHere 


Users directed to this link will access the custom landing page presenting the meeting room title and description (from Adobe Connect), and the form fields required to enter the meeting.

The end user will need to fill in the form, click enter meeting, and will have access to the meeting room. If the requested meeting room is not open, the user will be presented with the Adobe Connect waiting room screen.


Email validation for the form can be enabled per client and by default is enabled.


For administrative accounts on Adobe Connect, please notify Refined Data of the username to prevent overriding the administrative account password.


RT NOTE: The button on the landing page is dynamic and will display either launch content or launch recording depending on the content type returned by Adobe. This further customizes the landing page to fit the need. 



The landing page URL can also connect to the iCalendar feature and display a message within iCalendar to create a notification. This is done by adding “ical” to the URL.


URL: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/ical/ROOM

Set up guide

The set up guide is a complete listing of steps to use the Refined Data landing page.


  1. Create meeting in Adobe Connect
  2. Add the custom URL to the event URL assigned by RDS http://companyname.connect2everything.refineddata.com/lp/customURLfromAdobe
  3. Use this link in your event marketing campaigns to direct people to the custom landing page
  4. When users land on this page they are presented with the form fields
  5. Users fill in the form and are logged in to the meeting room or directed to a waiting room page, depending on the variable set by the client as to when to open the meeting room to attendees.


Attendance report

To generate an attendance report for the event, access the URL: http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/lp/InsertCustomURLfromAdobe/report


To create a JSON formatted report, add /json to the end of the URL:



Administrator reports

The administrator reports are accessed via an URL, http://CLIENT.connect2everything.refineddata.com/admin, and provides an attendance report from Adobe Connect.


Additional information can be viewed here under reports