There are different subscription options in Moodle that can be set for each user. Users who are subscribed to a forum receive notifications from their subscribed forum. The user also has the ability to unsubscribe from the forum.
In a user’s profile there are two settings for unsubscribe: Email digest type and Forum auto-subscribe.
The digest type is where the user can set their status to not receive emails related to forum posts.
Access and settings
To access users’ profiles select Site administration >>>> Users >>>> Accounts >>>> Browse list of users and search for the appropriate user. Once your user has been selected, click Edit profile.
In the Email digest type field there are three selections:
- No digest (single email per forum post)
- Complete (daily email with full posts)
- Subjects (daily email with subjects only)
When using links in secure mode (https) within a forum email, the secure link will not take the user to the intended location if that location is not also in secure mode (i.e. http). The user will get stopped after logging in.
For example: If your learning site is and the unsubscribe links use “http”, the unsubscribe will not process for the user. Their subscription preference should be set in their profile under Email digest type.