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Version:  Patch release version 5.3

New Features and Enhancements:

ApplicationRR-3771Property Import updated to refresh site assigments for OM/MD/DIRECTOR/AC roles only.  Site assignments for site staff and other roles will no longer be overwritten with the nightly import file. 
Application RR-3768Building name is now displayed for tasks created at the building level in task notifications.   
Application RR-3737

Notification emails for Weekly Task summary, Task Assignment and Overdue tasks have been redesigned to be more simple, informative and visually appealing:

Application RR-3592Surveys created for completion at the building level are now available at the property level for sites that don't have buildings.  
ESG / SustainabilityRR-3755, RR-3730, RR-3731

The following updates have been applied for the ESG module / GRESB mapping

  1. Asset Size has been rounded to the nearest integer to be used on all the tabs 
  2. Energy tab > For sub-metered properties, Maximum Floor Area has been changed to be same as Floor Area Covered.
  3. GHG tab > Scope 3, Maximum Floor Area has been changed to be same as Floor Area Covered.
  4. Energy tab: When GRESB Asset Type is "Residential: Family Homes":
    1. the Fuel consumption is reported in column BF/en_abs_lc_of and
    2. Electricity consumption in column BG/en_abs_lc_oe.
    3. No longer reported in Columns M to U.
    4. No change in GHG reported for these properties.
  5. When there is 0 consumption for any column(Fuel, Electricity, Water), Floor Area Covered is now 0.

  6. When emissions is 0 for any scope in the Emissions tab, Floor Area Covered is now 0

  7. For 2019 acquired properties, dates now default to January 1 and December 31 of that year if blank

  8. Waste data is now reported in tonnes (vs kg.) in GRESB spreadsheet > Waste tab. 

  9. kg to tonnes conversion is also done for the Waste data population.

  10. Properties not sub-metered: Changes apply to Electricity in Energy tab and Scope 2 emissions in GHG tab
    For electricity, Floor Area covered is change to 25% of GFA
  11. Sub-metered properties: Below changes apply to Energy tab and GHG tab
    Instead of using Penetration rate available in the system, the logic uses 75% in place of penetration rate(for all sub-metered properties).
    Maximum Floor Area is GFA for all columns.

ESG / SustainabilityRR-3750Occupancy data updated to populate Vacancy Rate in GRESB extract
Property ProjectsRR-3702Resolved issue with repair descriptions containing HTML tags.  
Property ProjectsRR-3740Resolved issue with "Change Due Date" option being available for task assignees.  Now only available for Administrators, Task creators and those given permission by a site administrator. 
Mobile ApplicationRR-3767Tenant and Location fields now hidden when creating Checklist Instances
Mobile ApplicationRR-3746Building level checklists are now available at the property level for properties that do not have buildings.
Mobile ApplicationRR-3746Checklist instances are now available only for the respective buildling which it was created for.  
Mobile ApplicationRR-3770Simplified task entry by hiding status field on new tasks and allowing quick task creation
Mobile ApplicationRR-3769Made Task entry more intuitive by updating “Location” field to show example 
Mobile ApplicationRR-3773Save option on tasks now conveniently available in bottom menu
Mobile ApplicationRR-3747Property and building screens now display up to 20 recent / assigned properties for easier navigation
Mobile ApplicationRR-3774Survey/Checklist section in Task screen moved to the bottom. 
Mobile ApplicationRR-3774Task Tag field moved from the Schedule section in Task screen to below Survey/Checklist section. 

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