RDS FieldApp


RDS FieldApp

The RDS FieldAPP is now available from Google Play or Apple APP Store by searching 'RDS FieldApp”

Using the RDS FieldApp

Launch the APP and enter the client ID provided by your RDS representative or contact support@refineddata.com. Your existing login credentials will work in the APP.







Start by locating a property using a key word or property number search.










The left menu will provide options for “Tasks” or Surveys/Inspections”


Surveys / Inspections


Select Surveys / Inspections and locate the desired questionnaire, checklist or inspection











Navigate the checklist / questionnaire categories and questions to complete the checklist.









  • Use the camera icon to upload or select images and make annotations

  • Use the chat icon to add/review remards on a specific question or category

  • Use the clipboard icon to review or add and assign new tasks






Managing Tasks

Just click on your assigned tasks and you can update the "status" and either start the task (to show it is in progress) or simply complete it when it's done.