To Import breakout groups, select the Breakouts tab on the VP Assistant Panel and click Import Breakouts


Upload the breakout configuration .txt file

Locate and upload a .txt file previously created using the Export Breakouts option.

Note: Exported .txt files contain only attendees who were listed in the Adobe Connect Attendeespod at the time the export file was created.

Upload the breakout configuration .txt file

Import Breakouts will automatically apply the uploaded distribution list.  

Note: The Import will recognize and assign to breakout groups only registered attendees who have logged in a username and password and are listed in the Attendees pod. Guests and attendees absent from the meeting room will not be assigned to breakout groups.

Check the breakout configuration

To ensure the import was successful, click on Smart Distribute.

If you change an attendee's breakout group, be sure to click Apply Breakouts to save the change. Remember to click Export Breakouts if you want to save your new grouping.

Check the breakout configuration

Start Breakouts

To begin the breakout groups select Apply and Start Breakouts.

Start Breakouts