The Insurance Portal is a site designed for Insurance Brokers and Consultants to obtain a consolidated view of all properties and reports for a specific underwriting period. From this portal, you can view, download and print all corresponding reports with a simple to navigate interface.
Get Started:
Access the Insurance Portal from the link and credentials provided.
Underwriting Period Page
You will first come to the Underwriting Periods page which will display all renewal periods assigned to you for review.
Properties Page
Select the Underwriting Period you would like to view. This opens the Properties page, listing all properties included in this underwriting period
Select the filters on the right to filter the list of properties by status, owner, asset type, city, province or country
Property Reports Page
Click on the property to view this property's reports. Apply report status, type and company filters as needed.
Select a report to view and download
For multiple report download, .,.....[waiting on QA]
Summary Report:
Extract a summary report anytime from the settings menu:
This will provide a detailed extract in excel format of all reports included in the underwriting period.
Steps for providing feedback TBD