Welcome to Property Projects (AKA MUMS)
The Property Projects module in the new CAPREIT Risk Management system in CAPREIT’s Ops in a Box replaces the previous MUMS (Mortgage Undertaking Management System) for the management of Mortgage Undertakings, CAPEX and Municipal Order Projects. This documentation set provides an overview of the new module and detailed instructions for power-users of the system. Use the menu below to navigate these pages and feel free to reach out to your manager or site administrator should you have questions on how to use the Property Projects module for your role.
System Overview
Property Projects for Admin Coordinators
Mortgage Undertakings for Admin Coordinators
Municipal Orders for Admin Coordinators
Property Projects for Managing Directors / VP’s
Mortgage Undertakings for Managing Directors
Municipal Orders for Managing Directors
Property Projects
Adding a new Property Project
Managing vendor users
- System Overview
The Refined Risk system Ops in a Box systems contains all CAPREIT properties/sites and the buildings contained within each. Users of the system can access information from one of two views.
Dashboard View
The Property Projects module is setup with a a series of dashboards providing a view across an individual user's portfolio. Admin Coordinators, Managing Directors and anyone on the operations team can view projects for the buildings and sites that they are associated with:
Projects are automatically filtered by the properties (sites) the user is assigned to Dashboards list all active projects with in-progress / open status Dashboard filters can be applied to search for specific projects or repairs/tasks based on specific criteria Clicking on any of the project or repair/tasks will open the respective details in the property / building level view for management of the project. The top right menu offers an export option to download a spreadsheet |
Building / Property (site) level view
Buildings can be accessed from the Building List by going to the left menu bar and selecting Building List:
The Building List displays all buildings assigned to the individual user with an ability to filter by various criteria.
Clicking the Module Icon for the selected building will open that building's property/site landing page.
At the property / building level, the overview of all property projects, whether active or closed, will be shown on the property landing page.
Selecting any of these project links will open the corresponding project list screen with the ability to further manage projects.
Additional information on the property can also be obtained from the Property Landing page by once again selecting the left menu bar:
And accessing the Building List dropdown menu at the top allows for navigation to the individual buildings for that property/site.