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It's your data. Keep it that way.

A new law in the European Union (EU) strengthens data privacy for consumers.


Refined Data is only interested in data that helps us deliver valued services to you and your users. Our tools help you run smarter, more interactive, and more efficient events, while providing better tracking of what took place in the room. The data we track may include:

  •  A User’s Name, IP address (Vantage Point, rPhone, Footprints)
  • Phone Number (rPhone)
  • Computer Environment – Operating System/Devices/Connectivity etc. (Vantage Point)

Where possible, our tools do not store information beyond the duration of each live meeting or classroom. Pods such as Hands Up and rPhone do not store any personally identifiable information in our databases.

Most of the data we collect is provided to us by the underlying Adobe Connect environment and when we store information in our databases, such as an IP address, this is typically associated with the related Adobe Connect User ID (SCO-ID) so we don’t store the actual user name. The exception to this is when users enter as Guests and there is no associated SCO-ID.

Additionally, when you visit our website or help resources, we use cookies to deliver a better web experience during the session and for the next time a visitor returns.


Our primary goal is to safeguard the data that our clients and their users provide to us explicitly or implicitly. All data is hosted on state of the art Amazon Relational Database Service‎ using encryption wherever possible. We use industry standard practices to prevent intrusion to our systems and for the data we keep to be of value to a third-party, the underlying Adobe Connect database with each user’s associated profile would have to be compromised as well.

What we don't do with data


The new GDPR regulations require us to advise users of our tools, almost all of whom that their personal information may be stored on our servers, but most of them are likely to be unaware of our company or its products, that their personal information may be stored on our servers. Since we can never know if a specific user in a meeting is an EU citizen or is joining from an EU country, we are effectively required to obtain this explicit consent from each and every user of our tools on a one-time basis unless you, as our client, can provide a written release that you are obtaining this consent prior to the user entering the Adobe Connect environment. Remember, if your users are entering Connect with a username and password, personal information is already being collected by Adobe and since our custom pods run inside of the Connect environment, we have access to this information. Your users may not know this unless you inform them.


If you can obtain this consent or make consent an explicit requirement of using your systems and can provide us the assurance that such consent has been obtained in advance, we can flag your account and no change in the Adobe Connect room behavior will be seen.  To do this, click one of links below and submit your completed release form to

Written release (PDF)
Written release (Word)GDPR Release Notice.pdf

If we do not receive such an assurance and written release, our pods will present a one-time Privacy and Consent pop-up as soon as a user enters a room where our pods are running. If the user agrees and acknowledges that their information from the event may be stored, we will flag that SCO-ID in our system and the user will never see the popup again. A Privacy button will remain in the Adobe Connect menu bar so that a user is able to withdraw their consent at any time – this is a requirement of the legislation.
