Version: Patch release version 5.3
New Features and Enhancements:
Module | RDS # | Description |
Application | RR-3771 | Property Import updated to refresh site assigments for OM/MD/DIRECTOR/AC roles only. Site assignments for site staff and other roles will no longer be overwritten with the nightly import file. |
Application | RR-3768 | Building name is now displayed for tasks created at the building level in task notifications. |
Application | RR-3737 | Notification emails for Weekly Task summary, Task Assignment and Overdue tasks have been redesigned to be more simple, informative and visually appealing: |
Application | RR-3592 | Surveys created for completion at the building level are now available at the property level for sites that don't have buildings. |
ESG / Sustainability | RR-3755, RR-3730, RR-3731 | The following updates have been applied for the ESG module / GRESB mapping
ESG / Sustainability | RR-3750 | Occupancy data updated to populate Vacancy Rate in GRESB extract |
Property Projects | RR-3702 | Resolved issue with repair descriptions containing HTML tags. |
Property Projects | RR-3740 | Resolved issue with "Change Due Date" option being available for task assignees. Now only available for Administrators, Task creators and those given permission by a site administrator. |
Mobile Application | RR-3767 | Tenant and Location fields now hidden when creating Checklist Instances |
Mobile Application | RR-3746 | Building level checklists are now available at the property level for properties that do not have buildings. |
Mobile Application | RR-3746 | Checklist instances are now available only for the respective buildling which it was created for. |
Mobile Application | RR-3770 | Simplified task entry by hiding status field on new tasks and allowing quick task creation |
Mobile Application | RR-3769 | Made Task entry more intuitive by updating “Location” field to show example |
Mobile Application | RR-3773 | Save option on tasks now conveniently available in bottom menu |
Mobile Application | RR-3747 | Property and building screens now display up to 20 recent / assigned properties for easier navigation |
Mobile Application | RR-3774 | Survey/Checklist section in Task screen moved to the bottom. |
Mobile Application | RR-3774 | Task Tag field moved from the Schedule section in Task screen to below Survey/Checklist section. |
OHS | RR-3792 | Changes to Incident Reporting > Event Types:
OHS | RR-3793 | The values available for selection for Property Damage Estimates[Incident Report > Property damage > Estimated Cost of Repair] has been changed. Below 2 options are added to replace "Between $1 to $10000": All existing incidents and claims with "Between $1 to $10000" selected will be migrated to "Between $1000 to $10000" |