The Property Projects module in the new Capreit Risk Management system will replace the previous MUMS (Mortgage Undertaking Management System) for the management of Mortgage Undertakings, CAPEX and Municipal Order Projects.
Below you will find documentation on how to navigate and use the new Property Projects system.
Adding a new Mortgage UndertakingReturn to main page
Adding new Property Projects
A Site administrator has the access to add a new Property project and repairs/tasks under the projects. The user can also assign the tasks to other users of the Risk system.
Add a new Mortgage Undertaking/Municipal Order/CAPEX Project
Add a new Mortgage Undertaking/Municipal Order/CAPEX Project
First, locate the property/site for the project:
using the search bar at the top right
or from the "property list" using the left bar menu and selecting the property projects icon
From the property landing page, access Mortgage Undertakings from the Projects Overview dashboard or the left bar menu: | |
| 2. Start with the Mortgage Undertaking number and lender then click "Save" |
3. Once Saved, project details can be added, starting with any activities required for the Mortgage Undertaking: | 4. Activities can be labeled as mandatory (default) with a due date, expected start, expected completion and assigned to a user or user group (role). |
Activity Assignments:
Once Activities are created and assigned, the person(s) assigned the activity will receive a notification:The Documents tab will allow adding or linking documents relevent to the Mortgage Undertaking such as Mortgage Certificates. | The option to "Link Document" will access any report already available in the Refined Risk system and allow a link to this report to be available directly from the Mortgage Undertaking: |
Comments can be added in the Comments tab for those accessing the Mortgage Undertaking: Internal Comments are only visible to CAPREIT employees / whereas external comments can also be visible to external users and vendors. | CAPEX and Municipal Orders:Adding CAPEX and Municipal Order projects follow the same steps as outlined above with some minor variations on data entry. |
Assigning Activities / Tasks | |
Activity Assignments: Once Activities are created and assigned, the person(s) assigned the activity will receive a notification: | The person(s) assigned the activity/task can now access it from the system and start progress, as well as review / add any details relevent to this task using the tabs. |
Once complete, the activity/task can be closed / approved. | Activities/tasks can also be reopened as needed, should additional information or work be required. |
Info |
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