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It's your data. Keep it that way.

A new law in the European Union (EU) strengthens data privacy for consumers.


Refined Data is only interested in data that helps us deliver valued services to you and your users. Our tools help you run smarter, more interactive, and more efficient events, while providing better tracking of what took place in the room. The data we track may include:

  •  A User’s Name, IP address (Vantage Point, rPhone, Footprints)
  • Phone Number (rPhone)
  • Computer Environment – Operating System/Devices/Connectivity etc. (Vantage Point)


The new GDPR regulations require us to advise users of our tools, almost all of whom are likely to be unaware of our company or its products, that their personal information may be stored on our servers. Since we can never know if a specific user in a meeting is an EU citizen or is joining from an EU country, we are effectively required to obtain this explicit consent from each and every user of our tools on a one-time basis unless you, as our client, can provide a written release that you are obtaining this consent prior to the user entering the Adobe Connect environment. Remember, if your users are entering Adobe Connect with a username and password, personal information is already being collected by Adobe and since our custom pods run inside of the Adobe Connect environment, we have access to this information. Your users may not know this unless you inform them.


  • Activate the Adobe Connect Compliance Notification for your account (Administration | Compliance and Control | Recordings and Notice | Enable Compliance Notice)
    • You can enter up to 1,500 characters as part of your Terms of Use requirement that must be agreed to before the user can enter the virtual space.
  • On your LMS, Event Registration Page, Landing or Linking Page, include clear and explicit language that explains that by registering, launching or entering the meeting space, the user is providing consent for the collection of personal information by Adobe and other parties that may include Refined Data Solutions (depending upon which pods you run)
  • Make this information and their consent, part of your system registration process if access to your system also provides Single Sign On access to Adobe Connect rooms.
  • Wherever possible, we recommend the use of a double opt-in mechanism to our clients although this is neither always possible or desirable.
