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Version: RR 6.0

New Features and Enhancements:

Application RR-4978/RR-5045

New Custom Forms feature 

Allows administrators to configure custom forms to capture specific details on properties such as contracts, rent roll, policies & procedures, Statement of Values / insurance COPE attributes...etc

Easily view data captured on specific dates for historical reference and run extracts for reporting.

From the administration menu, select System >> Custom Forms and Add or edit an existing form:

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Add a form name, select "Date Sensitive" to view data captured on specific dates and the record type.  Multiple records allow you to maintain more than one instance of the form. 

Add the form fields and select the field type:

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Next - select the "Security Tab" to specify which roles and/or users can view the form, edit the form and extract the data.  If none selected, then these options will be available to all roles who have access to property details.

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Once complete, you can access your custom forms from the property information screen:

From the Property List Screen select the Information Icon Image Modified beside the property you would like to view
or select "Property Details" from the menu on any Property Landing Page

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Then select the Menu to the right for the list of forms.

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From the form screen, select "Edit" button at the bottom of the screen to add / edit values. 

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Use the Attachments tab to add relevant documents, Tasks tab to create a task for yourself or another team member and Comments for adding any additional comments about the form details then save the form.

If the "Date Sensitive" option was selected when creating the form, you will see an "Effective Date" field in the form.  You can input a previous date to view the data that was captured on that date for historical reference.

Use the menu to the right of the form title to extract the form data to a .csv and "Notifications" option to designate roles and users to be notified of any new comments or record updates.

For Multiple Record Forms:

Individual instances of the form can be added from the bottom right.  All records will be available from the form list screen.

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Environmental Reports/Assessments:

The following updates have been made to support the management of recurring Environmental Reports and Assessments by providing a view of reports/assessments that are up-to-date, coming up as due or that have expired.  

Administrators can configure each report from the Admnistration Menu >> Evironmental >> Environmental Reports

From the selected report, use the menu on the right to open "Other Options"

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From the options screen, select the appropriate level, whether the report/assessment is done at the Property, Building, or Unit level or if it is based on unique "document references" such as Elevator Certificates, where there may be one report expected for each elevator in a building based on the serial number (unique reference)

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Make sure to also select the option to "Show on Recent Assessments Dashboard to view the report status in dashboards and the Report Frequency, this tells the system to look for reports within that frequency interval from today's date.

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To view and manage Environmental Reports status:

Access the Portfolio Summary dashboard from the main menu or select a specific property from the Property List to view the Property Summary.

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All configured reports will appear with a donut chart to show percentage or reports completed (based on the level and frequency selected) along with additional list options:

Click the donut chart to generate a full list of reports by property or building with a green dot indicating the report is current and a red dot to show it is expired.  You can also extract this list. Image Modified

  • Expired / Not Available link lists all Expired Reports, where the last report date for that Unit/Building/Property/Document Reference (as configured) has passed the frequency interval date set for this report type.  The list will be sorted by the oldest date first as the one needing immediate attention. 

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From either of the above list screens, you can use the menu to the far right of any record to do the following:

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Assessment Schedule:

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  • View the details on the report 
  • Manually change the "Next Assessment Date" if it is an exception to the date populated automatically based on the configured report frequency.
  • Add a comment about this specific report for reference
  • Select "Not Required For This Property" to indicate that the report is excluded and not expected for this property. 

View Report: This option will take you directly to the Report Record within the Environmental Module where you can view details, attachments and report dates and make any necessary updates. 

  • Excluded/Not Applicable lists any properties/buildings that are excluded from this report type, as indicated from the menu option above.

From the Property Summary:

The Compliance Documents section will show past-due reports based on the oldest date to flag those that need immediate attention.  Click any report to open the record directly. 

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Environmental RR-5133

Field changes in Assessment / Portfolio Summery / Property Summary Dashboards for Environmental Reports: 

Expiry Date = Report Date

Schedule Date = Next Assessment 

Modify Schedule (Menu item) = Assessment Schedule


New quick actions menu for tasks in Surveys / wizard mode to make immediate task updates. 

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New question search option on Surveys in wizard mode allows you to search jump to specific questions in the survey.

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SurveysRR-5049Pre-configured task types can now be selected when creating Auto-Tasks on Survey response options screen.  Administrators can configure task types as templates to auto-populate the task title, task assignment, due dates and task tags for consistency.  

Enhancements to Inspections / Checklist dashboard

The Inspections/Checklist Dashboard has been enhanced to support management teams with the status of regular inspections, checklists, deficiency tasks and compliance for their properties and buildings.

From the Main Menu or Portfolio Summary select Inspections / Checklists to view the dashboard, which will represent the selected portfolio of properties.  The dashboard will now show the list of Inspections/Checklists,  number of open inspections, % compliance (average across portfolio, if applicable) and number of open tasks.

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The new menu to the right of the selected inspection/checklist provides access the Inspection History and, if the inspection includes questions configured with a compliant/non-compliant flag, an option to view Compliance by Question.

Inspection History:

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This view is based on the expected interval configured for that inspection/checklist and will look back 4 periods from the Period End Date.

Filters: apply any of the following filters then use the refresh Image Modified icon to update:

  • Change the period end date to update the view to 4 periods from the new date
  • The Inspection Filter allows you to view the list of properties/buildings with no inspection, no inspections in recent period, or 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% completion (based on current period)
  • The Compliance filter allows you to filter by Properties/Buildings that are compliant or non-compliant (if applicable)

View: The dots under each column represent the following:

Green Image ModifiedMeans the inspection is completed and submitted for that period

Orange Image ModifiedMeans the inspection is started but not yet submitted for that period

Red Image ModifiedMeans no inspection has been started or submitted for that period

Drill-down Options:

  • Clicking any of the dots will open the Inspections list for that property/building
  • Clicking the Open Tasks count will open the list of tasks for that Inspection and corresponding Property/Building.  From this screen the tasks can be opened and viewed and filtered by status, type, assignment and priority. 
  • If filtering by "Non-Compliant" clicking the record will open the non-compliant questions so they can be further reviewed

Compliance by Question:

This option will only be available if the inspection/checklist has at least one question configured with a non-compliant flag based on the response given.  Selecting this view will display all compliance-based questions and the average percentage compliance across the portfolio. 


Survey Dashboard: Drill-down for compliance management

The Survey Dashboard now includes a new set of compliance analytics to support managers with identifying and reviewing non-compliant responses in Surveys and address them accordingly. 

Access the Survey Dashboard from the Property Summary - Surveys section or the Main Menu >> SurveysImage Modified

Select the menu to the right of the survey and "Summary Statistics"

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Compliant sites - lists all sites that have either not responded to the survey or have not provided any non-compliant responses

Non-Compliant Sites will list all Properties/Buildings who have provided one or more non-compliant responses in the survey. 

Sites Requiring Review, similar to Non-Compliant sites, will provide the list of Properties/Buildings and questions with non-compliant response. 

Compliance Drill-Down 

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From either the Non-Compliant Sites or Sites Requiring Review screens, selecting the question count for "Non-compliant Answers" will open the survey questions directly for further review. Image Modified

From this screen, reviewers can:

  • review the question response and any comments provided
  • change the status to "Compliant" by using the available check box
  • add comments for reference on the response or why the status was changed

If multiple questions, the reviewer can select next for the next question. 

Once complete, the green back arrow will apply all updates and return to the previous screen.

DashboardsRR-4922Drilldown for inspections from Portfolio Summary Dashboard - to the specific inspection on inspections db
OHSRR-4926New "Response Plan" tab in incident reports tracks all users who received a notification regarding the Incident and a date for the first view and last view of the report for reference. 
TasksRR-5112Tasks workflow Tab: Add Comments option
TasksRR-5041Add Inspections / Checklist menu item

RR-5237Auto task on questionnaire options

RR-5246Tasks survey option 

RR-5250Property type is now updating to reflect corresponding building type as provided in the SAP nightly import

RR-5236/RR-5235"User Access Configuration" will now be known as "Site Team" for clarification and the "Owners" section has been moved to it's own menu item from the Property Information Page / Dashboard. 


Incident notification email - Hyperlink of Incident number

ESG / SustainabilityRR-4763
Waste Chart
- RR-4902

Updated on Portfolio Dashboard and Property Summary Dashboard for ESG/Sustainability data:

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  • Waste Chart renamed to "Waste" and updated to show total waste shipped (tonnage) for each year represented.  
  • Energy Consumption chart renamed to "Energy"
  • Water Consumption chart renamed to "Water"
Property ProjectsRR-4903

New Projects Admin section on Property Projects property landing page shows a count of lenders, contractors, engineering companies and municipalities configured for that property.  Clicking any of the items opens the corresponding list screen.  

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Risk ManagementRR-4928

New Insurance Policy and Claims Sections on the Risk Management property landing page lists open insurance policies and claims for that property.  Click on either will open the respective claim or policy. 

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Access inspections and surveys


as distinct menu items from the main APP menu


Instantly share tasks by email or add/review comments with new swipe options

Receive instant alert notifications on your mobile device for new task assignments and updates
Manage tasks, records, reports & messaging more intuitively with the addition of visual icons for section headers.

Known Issues and Stability Fixes
