Versions Compared


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Version: RR 5.3

New Features and Enhancements:

Sustainability dashboards - New chart type on Province - Energy, Water, Waste

SustainabilitySustainability - Utility Validation - Details Gaps (Message )

Designated roles can now mark attachments as restricted in records, tasks and reports where attachments are uploaded.  

Administrators can designate the following security settings under Administration >> Security >> Security Settings:

  • Roles who can mark attachments as restricted:

  • Roles who can view restricted attachments:

All modulesRR-3128

The hamburger menu at the site level can now be pinned to stay open while navigating between modules and menu items:

The menu will remain pinned for the user-session until it is closed.  

All ModulesRR-3017

Drag and drop functionality is now available when uploading attachments.   On screens / tabs where an attachment can be uploaded, dragging the attachment to the designated upload area will automatically add the attachment.  

Property ReportsRR-3564

HTML Editor for Property Reports has been updated to the TinyMCE editor offering a few new functions such as the ability to add images, print and switch to full screen mode.


Assessments / Inspections dashboard now has a link to any overdue tasks that are associated with the specific report type.


New Assessments Schedule dashboard to manage scheduled assessments across the portfolia

Caroline to add documentation on this. 


Use the new drag and drop functionality to create a new environmental report:

From the Environmental Reports screen simply drag and drop the report file

This will automatically open the report form with the attachment added.  Simply update the form and save.

Property ListRR-3263

CAPREIT Property import:  logic added to identify an error in the batch process if all buildings in a site do not have the same acquisition date or disposition date.  In the event of a discrepency, the error will be generated but no dates will be updated. 

Property ProjectsRR-3397

Audit logs now available on Property Project repairs, activities and documents to track the following information:

1. Add Document: username, timestamp, document name
2. Remove Document: username, timestamp, document name
3. Add Repair: username, timestamp, repair (task) title
4. Delete Repair: username, timestamp, repair (task) title
5. Update Repair: username, timestamp, repair (task) title
6. Start Repair: username, timestamp, repair (task) title
7. Close Repair: username, timestamp, repair (task) title
8. Cancel Repair: username, timestamp, repair (task) title


Questionnaire and survey notifications now include hyperlinks for each of the recipient's listed properties, which open directly into the questionnaire or survey for that property.


Checklists can now have designated roles for creating the specific checklist for the property and/or accessing and completing the checklist.

Note: if no role selected for these tasks, any role with access to the property will have these capabilities.


Administrators or approved roles can now assign an editor and/or approver for checklists.  This is a capability that previously existed only with Questionnaires / Surveys.  Now specific users can be designated to completed and approve a checklist for a certain property.   


Checklists can now be set to allow multiple instances of the checklist per site and multiple active instances by have these options enabled.  These are enabled by default.  Disabling them will allow only one instance per site and only one active instance at a time, respectively.


When questionnaires or surveys are copied, the auto-tasks configured for questions within the questionnaire/survey will also be copied.

Administration >> Questionnaires 


New option to select a location for a specific checklist / inspection category:



Questionnaires, surveys and checklists can now be multi-lingual.  Administrators or approved roles can now add translated categories and questions which will appear based on the users language preference, selected in their profile.  

 See this short video on how to configure your questionnaires, surveys and checklists for multi-lingual users.


Warranty checkbox now available for Inspections/Checklists. 

When enabled, all tasks created from the checklist will have warrenty option selected as by default, indicating that all tasks for this inspection/checklist are under warranty.


Checklist instance menu now has minor updates to the naming and order or available functions. 


Additional filters are now available in the View Tasks screen for checklist instances to filter tasks by category, task tag, task template, warranty (yes, no, all). 


Delete function is now available in auto-tasks created for checklists, surveys and questionnaires.

Risk Management

RR-3362Make pagination and filter parameters work for Insurance task API - WHAT IS NEW?
Risk ManagementRR-3386

The following updates have been made to the Insurance Claim Form:

  • Tab is renamed to Payments

  • "Total Expenses" field renamed to Total Payments

  • "Vendor" renamed to Name of Vendor
  • Expenses renamred to Amount

  • Removed "Sr.No"

  • Added the new dropdown field "Type" to the form with 2 values "Indemnity Payment", "Expenses Payment"
  • Total of all invoices with type ""Indemnity Payment" now populated in the corresponding field in Financials tab

  • Similarly, invoices with type "Expenses Payment" now populated in the corresponding field in Financials tab

Sustainability / ESG

RR-3212New Waste Record Form available to add waste date from 3236, RR-3237
SustainabilityRR-3252Sustainability Dashboards - Filter by User

The following updates have been made to the Waste Screen:
Property >> Sustainability >> Building Performance Data >> Waste

Image Removed


RR-3236, RR-3237

Sustainability - Waste screen - Changes

  • selecting a waste hauler - select the row to open the waste record screen for that hauler
    • Waste Record Screen
  • New Quantity / Cost tab to toggle between quantity and cost data
  • Bulk Loose data now displayed
  • When selecting a Waste Hauler, table will update with data for that hauler and the "Bulk - Loose" data row can be selected to open the Waste Record screen for that hauler.

Image Added

Waste record screen includes option to add new Waste Record (see RR-3212), filter existing records and perform an extract. 

Sustainability / ESGRR-3212

New Waste Record Form available to add waste data.    

Image Added
Sustainability / ESGRR-3250

New charts added to Energy, Water and Waste dashboards to view consumption by province:

Image Added

Note: make sure to select "Consumption" for the "Chart as" option to view the chart

Hover over any of the chart bars to view data for that province. 

Sustainability / ESGRR-3252

All Sustainbility dashboards now have the option to filter by user, displaying data for properties assigned to that specific user.

Image Added

Sustainability / ESG


New GRESB Asset Spreadsheet is available for download from the Energy Dashboard and includes all energy data populated for all properties with active consumption for the current year


to be used for GRESB submission. 

Image Added

Selecting the GRESB icon beside the year will initiate the report. 

Warning:  This report can take some time to generate and it is recommended to begin running it after business hours for performance considerations.

Sustainability / ESG


Water is now available as an option for Utility Performance Validation:

Sustainability - Performance Validation - Water to be added to the Utility dropdown

Property >> Sustainability >> Building Performance Data >> Performance Data Validation

Image Added

Sustainability / ESG


Message displayed for

Utility Performance Verification gaps updated to include more details

SustainabilityRR-3466Optimize Gap/Overlapping validation in Sustainability
SustainabilityRR-3554Sustainability - Waste - Please make Cost an optional field
SustainabilityRR-3579Add new fields to the Property table
SustainabilityRR-3586Sustainability - Add Account # to EPL import
SustainabilityRR-3587Sustainability - Add Account # to Performance data validation


Property >> Sustainability >> Building Performance Data >> Performance Data Verification 

Sustainability / ESGRR-3598Sustainability Options -

New Utility Sub-metering

options - Changes
SustainabilityRR-3599Sustainability - New fields in Property table

Options available for Electricity and Water to indicate if Electricity or Water is sub-metered and if so, at what penetration rate.  

Image Added

Property >> Sustainability >> Sustainability Options

Sustainability / ESGRR-3600Extracts from Sustainability - Dashboard extracts
TasksRR-3068Estimates and Purchase Order Workflow in Work Order (Task)
TasksRR-3180Create a new Tasks module
TasksRR-3271Overdue Task Dashboard - Filter by Task Type, Module, Role
TasksRR-3278Make Task Templates a new dashboard under Tasks module
TasksRR-3320Add attachment to Task Template and make accessible from task instances
TasksRR-3333Task Template, Assign To - Preserve roles/users on all task instances
TasksRR-3348Add Warranty checkbox to task
TasksRR-3533Security setting that controls who can add/edit/delete Task Template details (configure Task Templates)
TasksRR-3536Add Extract to Task Template List
TasksRR-3551Add a new task dashboard "My Tasks"Dashboards now include fields with captured sub-metering data (electricity and water)

Known Issues and Stability Fixes

RR-3054ApplicationIn all modules supporting building selection, "All Buildings" filter doesn't equal "Property". It should exclude those belong to property only.
RR-3518ApplicationTask Template Selector on New Task Screen
RR-3569ApplicationUploaded attachment cannot be viewed or downloaded if the filename contains comma (,)
RR-1363OHSSpills or Incidents records has invalid value in Timebox after selection
RR-1879OHSTime selection is not working properly while add and edit record in near misses(OHS Module)
RR-3194Property ListSAP property import doesn't default invoiceable to True therefore new properties are marked as none invoiceable
RR-3121Property projectsDuplicate records created for Property Project task when clicking Save multiple times fast (or in slow network)
RR-3186QuestionnaireIssues with Assigned To user list in Auto Task config screen for Questionnaire/Checklist
RR-3592QuestionnaireBuilding level Surveys should be available at Property level when there are no buildings
RR-3602Risk ManagementInsurance module - Read/Write permissions - Unable to save a claim
RR-3138SustainabilityCapreit Staging - Sustainability - Energy dashboard - Issue with Consumption chart
RR-3231SustainabilityCapreit dev - Sustainability - Energy dashboard - Highest consumers chart not populating
RR-3251SustainabilitySustainability - Waste dashboards - Chart types not working
RR-3515TasksModule Field on Task Templates - Include the Tasks Module
