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Version: RR 5.2

New Features and Enhancements:


Changes to Switch to Menu:

The users now have an option to go to their default dashboard from inside any module by clicking on Home in the menu.

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From a property/module, selecting Switch To from the Menu lets the user move to different modules for the same property.

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From dashboards, opening the menu lets the user move to any other dashboard across the application.

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Ability to take, add, update and annotate photos for Environmental Risk Records 

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Updates to Questionnaire workflow notifications:

The workflow email can be configured to be sent to one of the options below:

  • All Editors - This will send to all editors regardless of whether the questionnaire is complete or not, as long as it’s not approved
  • Editors - Incompleted Questionnaires: only send to those editors with incomplete questionnaires
  • Approvers - Unapproved Questionnaires: only send to those approvers with unapproved questionnaires.

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The logic on how recipients are populated is based on questionnaire status and user/property assignment for completion or approval, detailed as follows:

  • Properties on the questionnaire exclusion list will be excluded

  • If property has explicit assignment of editors/approvers at the Property/Questionnaire level, the list will be populated with these recipients

  • If a property has assigned users and users belong to default editors or approvers, they will be added to the recipient list as well

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Property List Dashboard changes - new options to filter by portfolio, recent properties (10 most recent visited by that user), acquisitions and dispositions.

Image RemovedOption to select hourly recurrance intervals for tasks

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Surveys / Inspections:  Hidden Categories and Questions now only display as appropriate



Attachments preview - ability to preview attached image files.  


Add Lock/Approve for Checklist :

Checklist now has the option to be locked/approved, matching the functionality that exists for questionnaires. Once locked/approved, a PDF will be generated automatically and saved under Documents/Reports. 

Any user can approve checklist and checklist is not required to be 100% complete before approval.


Building selection added for Questionnaire and Checklist

Now, a questionnaire/checklist can be configured to be available at a Property or Building level. 

When configured this way, the particular checklist/questionnaire will be available for answering at the building level. It will not be available when Property is selected from the Property/building selection drop down.

When this particular Checklist/Questionnaire is approved, the PDF report will be attached with and available in the corresponding building/property whichever the case is.





Questionnaire/Checklist changes:

  • Questionnaire Categories can now be configured with Valid Answers - allowing answers at the category level.  
  • If answerable, the options will be available as radio buttons to chose from available answers.

  • The options can be configured from Questionnaire dropboxes.

  • Analytics drill-down for category is also supported now on Questionnaires dashboard (earlier question analytics was available)



Questionnaire/Checklist changes:

Lock is renamed to "Approve" and Unlock is renamed to "Open"


  • The user who created the checklist or user with an Admin role can Approve the checklist.

  • Checklists (and associated tasks, photos, comments) can’t be deleted once Approved.


  • User or role that is a default approver or specifically assigned to approve, or has an Admin role can Approve.

  • Questionnaires can be reopened (unlocked) after being approved, but must be done by someone with an Admin role.

Make percentage completion bar available on both wizard and classic mode for checklist




Automatic task creation based on questionnaire/checklist answer:

Administrators can now setup a task to be created automatically based on a specific questionnaire or checklist answer.  This feature is created to support workflows to be triggered based on the answer given so that corrective actions / work orders can be initiated accordingly.  

To configure task creation, go to Administration >> Questionnaire and select the questionnaire/checklist.  Locate the question and select the configuration icon beside the answer you want to configure a task for:

When the particular answer is selected by the user, a task is automatically created as per the above configuration.

When the specified answer is provided, the task is automatically created.  Selecting the option "allow task to edit" displays a pop=up to the user with the option to further modify the task.  Otherwise the task will be created and assigned as defined.  


Default Work Order Type in Questionnaire Administration:

A new field added in Questionnaire admin to capture Default Work Order type. All work orders created from this questionnaire/checklist will be defaulted to the selected Work Order type


Dashboard Configuration: 

This feature allows an administrator to configure a specific Dashboard View which can then be set as the default dashboard by role.  This provides the option to control which dashboards are available to certain users based on relevence for their role / responsibility.  In addition, the "Landing Page" selection designates which dashboard displays on login for that Dashboard View.

Go to Administration >> Security  >> Dashboard Configuration

  • Ability to add a new dashboard view or configure the existing Executive and Property Manager dashboard view. 
  • The Landing page or the default dashboard can also be selected from this page

Once configured go to the role(s) you wish to assign this Dashboard View and select the Dashboard from the dropdown provided.


Task Assignment Emails - Opt-in in user profile to allow task notifications 

This option is not selected by default, meaning the user will not receive task assignment notifications. Once the option is checked(either by the user/administrator), the user will receive notification mails whenever a task is assigned to them.

Note: This is a new setting that allows the user to control whether they receive task notifications by email.  






The Assessments / Inspections Dashboard provides a snapshot view of the status of any recurring assessments/inspections as required. Whether looking at a specific set of properties or across the portfolio, the dashboard makes it possible to easily identify reports that have been completed and are missing / past due so they can be addressed.  

Please see the Assessments / Inspections Dashboard link for full documentation.


View incident report log- Audit log is modified to capture View Incident report event, it will display a record in History tab for each View event. 

OHSRR-2777OHS Incidents Save - Incident report will be saved automatically when "Next" button is selected throughout the report.   This ensures that users will not lose all saved information if the system times out before completing the incident report.  

OHS - New security setting to view restricted comments(specific to OHS)

OHSRR-2819OHS Incidents - Alert Notifications - "Updated By" field added as a condition. This addresses the use case of withholding alerts for updates made by the Admin team or specific users.



Ability to mark existing comments as restricted.  Admins can manually mark a comment as restricted if it contains proprietary or private details.

New security setting to grant permissions to certain roles/users to mark comments as restricted. 


Incident Report - Generate PDF feature:

Each incident report has a PDF option, clicking on which will generate a PDF file with all the incident details.

Work Orders






Work Order templates - Work Order Template is a new feature available for selection when creating a new workorder from the Work Order dashboard. When a template is selected, the corresponding fields in task will be filled with those in the selected template.

Customized work order templates can be created and used by multiple work orders.Work order template selection available above Title when creating new work order from Work Order dashboard

Ability to create task directly from Work Order Template:

Work orders



Changes to the content of the weekly task summary email

Work orders



Changes to the content of the Task assignment notification email

Work Orders





Work Orders dashboard

Work Order dashboard should include all tasks from active modules, including insurance tasks and OHS meeting tasks.

The dashboard can be filtered by module. Overdue Work orders can be drilled down. Work Orders can be viewed by Property using the Work Orders By Property link. Work Order Templates can be viewed/created using Work Order Templates link. New workorders also can be created using the above 2 options.

Work OrdersRR-2725

Location field added in General work order.

Work OrderRR-2941

Ability to enter any work order type: In addition to selecting from list of Work Order types configured for the module, the + icon allows the user to add a new Work Order type and associate the same to the Work Order.



Risk Management

Work Orders





Short description with Attachments:

Ability to add a short description with each attachment in the following locations:

  • Questionnaire/checklist(all modules)
  • Incident reports(OHS),
  • Insurance Claims(Risk Management)
  • Work Orders

Risk ManagementRR-2791

Insurance Claim form is split into multiple tabs

Risk ManagementRR-2792

Audit log implemented for Insurance Claim and History tab added to the form capturing/displaying the same.

Risk ManagementRR-2793

Building selection in Risk Management module

All the features in Risk Management module now support Property as well as Building level. A drop down is available in all pages to select one of these: Property, All Buildings and Individual buildings for the property.

Based on the selection, the below pages filter details only for the Property/All buildings/the building selected.

1. Property Summary: Alerts and notifications will be filtered based on the property/building selection.

2. Documents/Reports: Documents displayed will be filtered based on the selection. New documents will be added to the entity selected(Property/building).

3. Tasks: Tasks list will be filtered based on the selection . Also, when a new task is created, the task is added to the entity selected(Property/building).

4. Insurance Claims: The list of claims will be filtered based on the selection. New claims will be added to the entity selected(Property/building).

5. Tenant Insurance:The list will be filtered based on the selection.

Risk Management module can be launched from the Building list now and the Property summary page will be opened with the selected building.

Risk Management







Claims form - New fields added:

Claims tab:

Financials tab:

Expenses tab:

Risk Management



Incident reports and Insurance Claims:

An Insurance record added in an Incident report will generate an Insurance Claims record in the Risk Management module.

OHS > Insurance Reports > Add. Create a new Incident Report, add a new record in Property Damage tab and Insurance tab and save the Incident report.

Claims form is submitted in the Risk Management module with all the Incident details pre-populated:

The Claims form can be opened from the Risk Management module or by clicking om the Jump to Icon in the Insurance tab of the Incident report:

Property ProjectsRR-3162

Property projects - Time the project created was being recorded and displayed in UTC. This is now changed to display the actual time that the project was created.

Changes have been made to ensure all the places where Date/Time is displayed in Property Projects display the actual time(EST) and not UTC.

Property ProjectsRR-3165

Property Projects - Date and time has been included for all attachments in Property projects.

Repairs > Attachment tab

Projects > Documents and attachment tab

Known Issues and Stability Fixes

Risk ManagementRR-829Not able to update/view insurance task with filter text - Fixed
Risk ManagementRR-1492

Improved Error Message when a new Recommendation is created with the same name as an an already existing recommendation.

Risk ManagementRR-1922Validation for year selection added in insurance policies dashboard
Risk ManagementRR-3003Overdue Insurance tasks are not listed below alerts in risk management module landing page - Fixed
ApplicationRR-2502 If user doesn't have permission to update a task, Update button will be disabled instead of showing error 
ApplicationRR-2370Questionnaires - Checkbox not functional in Wizard mode - Fixed
ApplicationRR-2675Client logo in Questionnaire Workflow Notification - Not present in the received mail - Fixed
ApplicationRR-2724, RR-2731Issues with jump setting questionnaires - Fixed
ApplicationRR-2895Attachment everywhere only supports image and pdf upload - Fixed to remove this restriction
ApplicationRR-2905Checklists/Questionnaires - Categories with no questions are not displayed in Wizard mode - Fixed
ApplicationRR-3043File name with em dash (—) or maybe other non-ascii characters is not preserved as is after uploaded to SharePoint
AdministrationRR-2748Administration menu options and notification options should only be available for active modules. Inactive modules should not be visible.
AdministrationRR-3035System Dropbox: Search doesn't work - Fixed
AdministrationRR-3259Questionnaire dropboxes - Not available for selection from Questionnaire and Admin section
EnvironmentalRR-1430Environmental Forms - Unable to add dropbox value  - Fixed
EnvironmentalRR-2537Environmental summary - Issues with PCB records not considering condition - Fixed
EnvironmentalRR-2680Attachment icon on linked reports within the environmental records are not functional - Fixed
EnvironmentalRR-3274Properties with reports added with current system date are not being considered as assessed property - Fixed
ComplianceRR-2641Compliance Module - Back to Dashboard - Redirects to Tenant Lease Summary - Fixed
OHSRR-2683JHS Meeting - Add button doesn't display UI until an existing meeting minutes is opened - Fixed

Riocan staging (5.2) OHS dashboard error when accident is enabled and OHS meeting tasks in database - Fixed

OHSRR-3257Logic used for Property Damages on Incident Report is hard-coded and incorrect. It should follow the same logic on EHS Incident dashboard
OHSRR-3269Incident Report : Updating Persons Involved type is creating new record instead of updating the changes for the selected record
Property ProjectsRR-3169

Property Projects > Documents > Unable to edit existing documents

Property projects > Mortgage Undertakings > Documents

For documents uploaded through New Document button, there is an option to Delete the file, upload new files, but the changes cannot be saved. This issue is fixed now.
